Monday, December 24, 2007


Last Saturday, I watched Dewa 19 in Stadium Negara, KL. Got free tickets from a friend of my mother. I was just lucky, I think. Hehe. I got a phone call 3 hours before the time, and she asked me I wanted the ticket or not. I'm not really excited, actually. Imagining how crowded would it be.

I got the tribune tickets, which was sitting area, and I got the great view to the stage. Hm. I was questioning, how many money did the earn that night, huh? With ticket price range from RM 30, RM 50, and RM 80. So let's say the average price is RM 50, I predicted the crowd was around 10.000. Hmm. RM 500.000 grossly? With subsidiary from sponsors and all that. Cut off half of it for the crews, publications, hospitality, transportation, etc. RM 250.000, and at least, every personal of Dewa 19 got RM 50.000 that night. In just 3 hours. Wow.

When firstly I saw the long queue to enter the stadium, I wondered, how lucky the persons who got to know the band personally. No need to queue, got privileges, and (maybe) just lucky because they're a close friend to a public figure. And the luckier was the band, because we came along just to watched them! We paid, we queued, we waited, we adore them. And gather all "we"s around KL, and there we were. Watched them. How masterpieces could affect people...

But do they really "lucky"? Not just materially, but also life-ly and personally. 2 of the band members were just sentenced divorced when they were on the tour. Did they even sad about it? We just saw them doing their jobs on the stage, entertained us with their charms, talents, and all that. They were being idols that night...

If they could choose, would they swap their popularity and money for a 'happy' family, just like us, ordinary people? Happy family with enough earnings for life. Doesn't have to be damn rich. For persons who thought that family is number one above anything, yes, of course. No need to think twice.

But do they have thoughts like that? Not that they had been blinded with money and popularity. I'm not even sure all of them really happy with the fact that they are popular. But I think it's just the way they accept their destiny of life.

Kita selalu diajarkan untuk bersyukur dalam hidup, apapun keadaan yang kita rasakan. Selalu berpikir ketika kita tidak bisa merubah apa yang ingin kita rubah, semua akan kembali pada yang di Atas. "Ini adalah yang terbaik yang diberikan-Nya". Ya, pasti begitu, dan memang seharusnya begitu...

Apa cuma sekedar pembelaan ya? Atas kebahagiaan yang tertunda untuk kita, ketika kita merasa kita tidak bahagia? Ketika kita lelah membanding-bandingkan hidup kita dengan hidup orang lain. I think most of us have been trough that way of thinking. Even when we can calculate logically, which person's life is "better" than the life of other person.

But in the end, we wouldn't admit that we're unhappy. No one will, because it wouldn't change anything. And every creature in this world has its own role in living their life. The path way that God had shown us.

So (later) one can stand bravely, and say... "This is my life, and I'm gonna make the best of it, no matter how hard it is".

(Yeaa, even if it could be an interpretation of arrogancy, I think it's very normal.)

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