Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stage euphoria

3:51 am it is, facing the notebook and try to write something.. Just came back from watching the live band performance in the mall downtown. Yes, very entertaining. The rock ballade songs, back in the 70s. Songs from Queen, Metallica, the White Lions, the Eagles, kinda admit it that they're good. The difference between listening live music and the recording one was obvious. It's live! Very happening..

How sense should be the one that matters in architecture, I think most of us had been forgotten. How to make create something "beautiful" for everybody, not only beautiful for segmented people. I'm trying to analyze this new mall I described above, which offering an architecture for public to enjoy. The place was outdoor, with round stage and tables in "T" order. The stage placed in the crossing axis of the "T". I think this lay out and the atmosphere is great, coz everybody enjoyed it.

Good architecture doesn't have to be something trendy at a time. Like the British once said, "a thing of beauty is a joy forever" - Y.B. Mangunwijaya, Wastu Citra.


Saya ingin berkarya! Entah kapan. Suatu hari, pengen banget. Pengen bikin sesuatu yang punya perngaruh positif buat sekelilingnya. Kalo dibilang sekarang sedang meniti jalan ke arah sana, gak salah juga sih. Tapi kalo ditanya progressnya seperti apa, mmmm, entar dulu deh. Mungkin blom optimal, dan gue baru bisa nyimpen dulu cita-cita gue ini.

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