Saturday, January 12, 2008

Friend came in a handy time

Last night my phone rang, and it wrote:


And we had a long conversation ahead. But I prefer to consider it as a discussion, I think. We discussed a lot of thing. Life, relationships, study, friends, etc. At the time when I was dwelling in my confusions. Haha. Perfecto. There are a lot of new thoughts I had discovered, something deeper than what I usually seen.

I love making friends with people above my age, because I learned a lot from them. They told me their experiences, thoughts, and I knew what problems they had faced when they were in my age. And sometimes, they could answer my questions better then my own family (even my parents). Hm, I don't know, because I'm not that extrovert to my parents to talk about my own problems.

That's why I don't usually tell problems with friends in my age, because we're facing the same phase. Though I still share things with them (of course!), but often it didn't came up with good solutions. Talking with someone older gave me another perspective of seeing things. And.. they are wiser and more experienced, usually.

I once underestimated philosophy. Anything that related into it. Books, and the person who learn it deeply (being a student in that major in a bachelor degree). I thought that they could learn anything more realistic better than thinking too far in little things. And since I'm an architecture student, why should I learn things which having small correlation which wouldn't affects my study. (back in past, when I was in ospek, they did introduced me with these philosophy stuffs)

Then I forgot that architecture does came from philosophy (remember those philosopher back in Greek history? They were architects too!). LIFE does came from philosophy. Human civilizations does came from philosophy too. Because we'll never stop evolute in thinking.

I'd really love to spare my time reading some philosophy books, and currently do. Just a light philosophy book titled "Imaji dan Imajinasi". Hm, it's like everything has an image of representing itself, and we shouldn't see the image but see something deeper inside it. Yeaa, something like that. I just read the introduction, though.

By doing so, I hope I could be a 'deeper' person, and I could implement those thoughts to my design concepts. I'm longing to have a design which doesn't sell geometrical form (just like Ridwan Kamil said).

But well, my aim is to be someone that doesn't just be a human for myself. How to treat other people rightly. How to behave in my community. To be more sensitive in my surroundings, to see what REALLY happens around me, and (insya Allah) could contribute something to my environment. Manusia adalah makhluk sosial, afterall.

Kuliah gue emang penting, dan jadi arsitek adalah hal terpenting. But I wanna do anything I wanna do, because my 4 years of study wouldn't be as long as it counts. Time runs fast.

And I wanna live as perfect as it could - which perfect means; gue bisa ngerasain apa yang mau gue rasain sebagai mahasiswa, karena waktu gue gak akan balik lagi. The upside downs in life, the happy times, bad times, friends, love, live life lively, and do something useful. Besides riding my dreams to be an architect.

Well it's all about time management & motivation kok.

Karena ga ada satu hal pun di dunia ini yang sama sekali ga ada manfaatnya. Percaya sama gue.

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